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Jews and Christians in Antiquity. A Regional Perspective

Editeurs : Pierluigi Lanfranchi, Joseph Verheyden
Coll. Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Culture and Religion
Louvain, Peeters, 2018

Ce volume rassemble une sélection d’articles issus des colloques "Juifs et Chrétiens dans l’antiquité" qui se sont déroulés en 2013 (Louvain) et en 2014(Aix-en-Provence).

Présentation de l’éditeur Peeters
This volume aims to introduce a different approach to this crucial topic and some new issues following from this. Specialists of Ancient Judaism, Early Christianity, Patristics, Late Antiquity, Rabbinic Studies, Papyrology, Epigraphy, Hagiography, and Gnosticism have focused on such topics as the consequences of the Jewish wars for the relations between Jews and Christians in Palestina, the cultural and religious exchange between the two communities in Alexandria, Smyrna, Syria, the Jewish-Christian polemics in Rabbinic literature, the papyrological and epigraphic evidences of the Jewish and Christian presence in Egypt and Rome, the coexistence of Jews and Christians in Northern Italy, Hispania, North Africa, Gaul, etc. The papers are arranged chronologically (from the 1st to the 7th century CE) as well as geographically (the Eastern and Western part of the Roman Empire). The volume offers both "general surveys" and "case studies", each of them exploring different aspects of Jewish-Christian interaction.

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 Table des matières


 Pierluigi Lanfranchi, Pierluigi Lanfranchi, philologue et historien des religions, est maître de conférences à l’université d’Aix-Marseille, rattaché à l’unité TDMAM (CNRS, AMU).

 Joseph Verheydenest professeur à l’université de Louvain (Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies).


 Marie-Françoise Baslez
 Christian Boudignon
 Willy Clarysse
 Sabine Fialon
 Pierluigi Lanfranchi
 Simon C. Mimouni
 Thierry Murcia
 Ron Naiweld
 David Noy
 Marco Rizzi
 Gerard Rouwhorst
 Raúl González Salinero
 Rita Lizzi Testa
 Peter J. Tomson
 Daniele Tripaldi